Helsinki - Part II
So, continuing the previous post...
After 9h we continued our tour throught Helsinki.
Everything is really near to each other, so we were able to visit some more famous places of the city just by walking. Of course that after a night in the sky without sleeping and lots of hours walking around Helsinki we were pretty tired, and at 16h we were already in the hostel dying lol
But now some more photos of the Finnish capital!
The Parliament
Helsinki's train station (were we got the train for Tampere the next day)
The National Theatre
The Cathedral of Helsinki. Beautiful!
The Orthodox Church of Helsinki
The view from our room at the hostel :)
Oh, and this day we discovered three amazing facts:
- there is no shutters in Finland. You know, shutter for the windows. I had to get used to sleep with light on the room. After three weeks here it's not a problem anymore, you get so tired that your body gets used to it.
- the showers. The showers are on the floor. I mean, there is no tub, nor a place for the shower, you just stand up on the floor on the shower zone and pull the curtains. It's strange but it works. Still, it's kind of sad that you have free hot water and no tub to fill! I haven't seen a single tub in Finland! xD
- the little showers beside the toilet. Yes, it's true. In a lot of WCs, just beside the toilet, you have small shower you can use to clean yourself better =P
And that's it for this post. Next post: arrival at Tampere! Don't miss it! eheh ;)
P.S.: I know this blog is not up to date, but you have to forgive me, becausa Erasmus life is very hard, we have to party study a lot and we are always going out in classes. I'll try to do the updates as fast as possible! =)
Interesantissimo! não há banheiras???? quer uma pessoa sentar-se e tem de o fazer directamente no chão! lol
Parece as "italia partys" estão a ser mt aliciantes, hm hm!
Então tens a nokia ao teu pé! Isso seria excelente pk o meu telemóvel deve estar a dar o berro e tu poderias....apoiar a causa lol
Quanto a helsínquia é simplesmente deslumbrante!
Beijinhos enormes******+
ps: agora quem é k está com frio? LOL
ps2: gosto mt de ti!
ps3: Joana, a bué fixe
Estive agora a reler o que escrevi e quis fazer notar que o meu humor é brilhante! lol Ah e k o comentário até soube a pouco. Faltou referir que gostaria de ter conhecimento de mais algumas actividades recentes amorosas que possas ter tido no entretanto LOL. Sim, a minha curiosidade assim o exige!!! looool
E que tal têm saído os cozinhados??? ih ih
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Joana, a que já PRAXA!!!!!! Muah ah ah!!! (não és o único com novidades)