Política a la Finlandesa

Ontem tive uma conversa muito interessante com uma rapariga d'Os Verdes daqui. Disse-me que actualmente na Finlândia se pode receber, sem trabalhar, quase o mesmo que trabalhando. Por isso, Os Verdes pensaram numa proposta: seleccionar uma quantia de "rendimento mínimo" e dá-la a toda a gente, quer trabalhe quer não. Assim quem não trabalha tem esse "rendimento mínimo", e quem trabalha recebe o seu ordenado e ainda esse bónus. My head got blown away. Que acham?

Gosto do estilo académico que por aqui se pratica...

Aulas teóricas facultativas, aulas práticas obrigatórias ou quase.
É sempre necessário passar o exame. Em algumas cadeiras um mínimo de trabalho de casa, em pontos, é exigido. Os pontos a mais ficam como pontos de bónus. Noutras cadeiras temos perguntas que dão ponts extra no fim das aulas práticas, ou por participar em eventos específicos ou projectos. Os pontos extra somam aos pontos do exame, e aumentam a nota final.
Está tudo muito bem descrito, especificado. Já sabemos como tudo vai ser, temos acesso aos exercícios das aulas práticas nos dias anteriores, podemos até já levá-los preparados de casa. Os trabalhos de casa são divulgados com 1 ou 2 semanas de antecedência e as soluções explicadas na aula e/ou colocadas na net.
Podemos inscrever-nos a quantas disciplinas quisermos, desistir quando nos apetecer...
É bom, funciona muito bem, à base do incentivo. Faz o meu estilo. :)

Há uns dias acordei e do lado de fora da minha janela estava assim...

O meu caminho para a Universidade (aqui junto a casa) nestes dias mais nevosos...

Sunrise and sunset...


Sunrise time: 

- Porto: 07:20 

- Tampere: 08:27 


 Sunset time: 

- Porto: 17:17 

- Tampere: 15:50 

Length of the day:

- Porto: 9h57 

- Tampere: 7h23

 Important comparison (in Tampere):
- length of the day: 7h23
- length of the night: 16h37

Quando sair da universidade, daqui a 4h (são agora 12h18 na Finlândia), já será de noite... =p

Comeca a ser normal a gente ir para a "night" e quando acorda no dia seguinte já é de noite outra vez... lol 

O Estado paga para estudarem. E não há propinas.

"Parental income has no effect on student eligibility: students are eligible to receive a total of EUR500 (US$700) in welfare payments per month, comprising a study grant of EUR298 and EUR202 housing support. These sums are not repayable and students can also apply for a student loan of up to EUR300 per month.

They are even eligible for subsidised lunches (they pay about half price), almost free healthcare, discounted public transport fares and discounts for social and cultural activities such as theatres and museums. But academic progress is required to guarantee a continuous ride on the gravy train. Students with children (about 9%) can also get additional non-education support."


You have stayed in Finland too long when…

1) You think it is normal to have lunch at 11:00
2) When you go to a post office, bank or pharmacy you first start looking for a waiting ticket. You think it is normal to stand in line for getting a waiting ticket.
3) A deep sigh is a part of your daily vocabulary, and so is “hmmmm”.
4) When there is 70°C in sauna it is cold, but when there is 25°C outside it is hot.
5) A natural part of a business meeting is to spend time naked in a hot room with people you don`t know.
6) A stranger smiling at you is
a) crazy
b) drunk
c) foreigner
d) all of the above
7) You go to cruise
a) to buy tax free beer
b) to buy tax free booze
c) to party
8) You are always on time
9) Shoes and white sporting socks are an acceptable combination
10) You`ll get drunk on religious holidays
11) You`d rather stay at home than go drinking in a pub.
12) You consider it normal to go to a summer cottage in the middle of a forest to be eaten by moskitos and to drink booze.
13) 5°C means mild weather.
14) Your wear warm clothes in April even though there is 25°C, because it is April. You wear a t-shirt and shorts in July even though there is
10°C, because it is July.
15) You wear socks and sandals at the same time.
16) Temperature below zero and snow does not stop you from biking.
17) You get annoyed if a bus / train is two minutes late
18) Your wife is watching television while you take care of the kids.
19) You think it is normal to keep on walking when a stranger asks you something on the street.
20) You have been engaged for four years without thinking of getting married.
21) You automatically put your hand in your pocket when you hear a mobile ringing.
22) You are interested in the new models of mobile phones and whether your mobile is following the latest trend.
23) When your colleagues ask you to go out for a drink after work you know that is result in a long night and a head-breaking hangover next day
24) Most of your friends are called the same and you have to use their last names to make a separation.
25) You go to the movies in time to see the commercials.
26) A piece of tomato on a piece if lettuce can be called a salad.
27) You consider it normal that the last name which start with v and w are located in the same place in the telephone directory.
28) Silence is fun.
29) You find it normal to drink milk with your meals.
30) You finally stop asking your class "Are there any questions?"
31) Hugging is reserved for sexual foreplay
32) You give up on trying to find fat-free food and pile on the butter, cream and sugar.

Hoje, 6 de Novembro, na Tampere University of Technology @ Hervanta, Tampere, Finland

Bem, e agora vou lá para fora aproveitar um bocado a neve antes que fique de noite! =D


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